HSE is actively inspecting manufacturing businesses that are using machine coolants and cutting fluids in their workplace.
Inspectors are focussed on employee potential exposure to fluids and mists generated by the operation of machinery in a workshop environment. It is the role of an employer to ensure that employees have suitable air quality so as not to be exposed to potentially harmful contamination in the air they breath and to ensure that regualar heath checks are put in place along with environmental monitoring.
SME’s regularly fail these inspections based on the lack of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) allowing the exposure of employees to the potentially harmful mist of metalworking fluid generated by the machines in their operation.
Exposure to coolants and metalworking fluids are being linked to skin and lung conditions where employees have worked in environments without suitable protection for direct contact and inhalation.
Breathing in the mist these machines generate is now generally accepted to be a cause of lung diseases including occupational asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. As an employer you have a duty to reduce this exposure and here Xtrct can help, Our range of LEV solutions not only meet but exceed the expectations brought by the HSE when inspecting companies in the industry.
Including both centrifugal separation and air cleanliness filters we are not only offering a solution to solve the air quality problem but also to reclaim the coolant or cutting fluids lost into the atmosphere in misting reducing the loss encountered by each machine.